Saturday, September 03, 2005


I have been through a roller coaster ride insofar
as my blog is concerned.So many experiences thanks to
this blog and its previous avatar.Still I feel
very happy when a new person comments here.
I guess an IIM grad blogrolling a blog helps
a lot..

I have been irregular in updating these last
couple of weeks for a variety of reasons..Occasionally
i suffer from a (un)writers block..I dont know what to
write about at times..should get over that problem
somehow..Every week i keep finding new blogs which
make great reading.

The surprise these last few days has been the rains in Madurai.
Its been nearly a decade since it rained heavily in this region..
I guess all records for uneven distribution of rain
will go down like nine pins ..It rains in Thiruparangkundram
but not a drop in Palanganatham ,which is only a few kilometres
down the road.

This unevenness is matched by my perforamnces in the mocks
..My performannce has ranged from good to average to bad to
worse...Hoping it will stabilise at a decent level..
I will stop here..Got a mock in ten hours time..
Pray I do well


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