Monday, June 13, 2005

placement report 2

I have already talked about our tryst with honeywell.
so let me move onto other interesting activities in the
placement scene..


walked into our campus on the 2nd of june.
The schedule by our placement cell was for
3 days.But TCS people were not too kind to the
idea of working on a weekend.What followed was a mess.

TCS angered a lot of people. there were too many people
who attended the process and therefore there was not enough
space in the K S audi .some quick fixes were worked out
and the presentation was telecast at the K M Audi.
the presentation began with a short video clip that
was a testimony to the versatility of the tatas.But the presentation
was too long and It talked about aspects not very important
to a budding sware engineer.As a result lots of people dozed off.

The eligibility criteria was relaxed.The test was changed to
a pencil and paper format.There were two sessions of written
tests.The written test results were announced well past midnight.
The interviews were scheduled( actually there was no schedule)
for the next day.The sheer numbers ,nearly 380 people to be interviewed
in a single day,made the logistics very difficult.

A few were lucky.they were done with their HR And tech interviews
within an hour.There were others who werent sure about their
tech interview results and had to wait for hours before
their selection or rejection, could be confirmed.There were
still others who after the passage of a few hours doubted
if they had cleared their tech interviews..This resulted in an
increased flow of adrenalin...there was anxiety all around.

The tech interviews as a rule were very cordial.The interviewers
went out of their way to make sure, the prospects were comfortable.
The customary handshake and introduction was all there..Not too many
people were eliminated in the tech interview..
The HR interview was a different story..Few people came out of their
interviews with smiling faces..Once all the interviews were over,
TCS took a long time to come out with the results.. the results
were announced at ten thirty ...

For all the anger and anxiety that TCS caused, the end was pretty
happy..Its not always that 248engineers get a job in the
course of 12 hours............

I will write about my tech and HR interviews ,once am dome with my other pressing


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